How to Create an Intuitive and User-Friendly Mobile App


Every business is different, but what they have in common are the challenges that come with running a successful company. Often, these obstacles revolve around making their brand more accessible to customers. Some companies struggle to manage customer engagement and retention through traditional methods while others try to develop apps for potential customers to download. On both fronts, designing an app that’s intuitive for users can be a challenge.

Mastering the creation of an app that is easy to use requires a mix of design and development skills. A user-friendly interface won’t succeed without having a strong foundation with good coding, but if your code isn’t structured in a way that makes it easy for users to navigate, you’ll lose potential customers before they even download it.

Tips for Creating User-Friendly Apps

Instead of struggling with the development process or throwing in the towel after learning that your app is too complicated for users, there are ways to make it easier on your team and on your customers. Here are some steps you can take now to make creating a user-friendly app simpler down the line.

1. Identify Who Your Customers Are

People who download your app are the foundation of your user base, but if you want to keep them around for the long run, it should feel like a privilege for them to use it. The first thing you need to do is figure out what makes your customers tick so that you can design an app that they feel excited to use.

2. Create a “Missions” List

Once you understand what your users are looking for when they download apps, you can create one-time missions for them to complete when they download yours. This is similar to how customer acquisition campaigns work, so if your business already does this, it’s a simple transition. If not, this can be a great way to incentivize users to download your app and complete tasks that provide value to them. While you’re developing the functionality of your app, think about ways that it can work with other apps – like a mobile banking platform – to make everything easier for customers.

3. Identify Your App’s Unique Selling Point

This is another concept that might already be a part of your business model, but it is essential for creating an app that’s easy to use. If you can’t find a way to answer the question, “What problem does this app solve?” then chances are high that users won’t stick around in the long run. Once you identify what problems your app solves, think about how it can create value for customers and become their go-to resource.

4. Think About All the Ways Users Can Interact With Your App

Consider every way that users might be able to interact with your app when they download it. They should each feel equally intuitive and user-friendly. If something is too complicated, consider simplifying the functionality so that it’s easier for users to engage with.

5. Allow Users to Engage With Your App Offline

By “offline,” we mean in instances where they might not have any internet connection, like on a plane or in an area without cell phone service. Your app should work as well as possible without internet connection and be able to complete the tasks that you designed for users even when they’re unable to access Wi-Fi.


App development can be a long and difficult process, but it shouldn’t seem impossible to designers and developers alike. User-friendly apps are a must for a company’s success today. If you’re struggling, the tips listed above can help you create an app that your customers will enjoy using and that will also boost retention rate.