A Simple Guide to Making Your Bathroom More Wheelchair Friendly

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Your bathroom is the one room in your house that you undoubtedly use at least twice a day and, as such, if you are either temporarily or indeed, permanently, using a wheelchair, then this article is for you.

Here is a simple guide to making your bathroom more wheelchair friendly.

Consider a Wet Room

A wet room is, unavoidably, going to be an expensive and somewhat drastic change to your current bathroom layout, but if this is an option for you, it would be an excellent way to make time using the bathroom much more comfortable and enjoyable.

What is more, the addition of a wet room would be a fantastic addition to the home in general and will also serve to raise the value of the property as a whole, which may or may not be something to consider in the future.

Install Support & Grab Rails

A simple, yet effective addition to your current bathroom design which is almost mandatory for a bathroom that will be used by someone in a wheelchair is the installation of support and grab rails.

Reputable and established disabled bathroom suppliers will be more than happy to discuss your individual needs when it comes to bathroom mobility aids and what is more, may well be able to show you things you never even knew excited, yet could make life easier each morning.

Walk-In Showers

A cheaper and perhaps even, for your home, more practical alternative to turning your whole bathroom into a wet room is a walk-in shower.

Walk-in showers are ideal for smaller bathrooms, as they make the absolute most of the available floor space and also serve to modernise the overall aesthetic impression of the room. Additionally, walk-in showers, believe it or not, give the inference of more light in the bathroom, even if there is no natural source of light, such as a window.

Lower the Toilet & Sink

Even though the idea of lowering the toilet and sink seems as if it will take a long time, not to mention will come at great expense, but in reality, it is a lot easier than you may think.

When it comes to the bath, the best idea is to install a bath lift on the adjacent wall, which is easy to use and ensures your loved one will be safe whilst washing and bathing. Inside the bath itself, you could consider purchasing an electronic bath cushion, which is an inflatable pillow for the bath which is controlled by a remote. A bath pillow would also be a more affordable alternative to installing a full bath lift.

Other Bathroom Adaptations to Consider

Aside from the changes discussed in detail above, there are several other key considerations which you may want to think about when transforming the current layout of your bathroom into a more wheelchair friendly one.

Shower seats, which fold out from the wall in the bathing area, are great for independent bathing, even for people who have difficulty supporting their own weight, as are sinks whereby the basin and taps are height-adjustable.