How is Conflict Confrontation Management Important in Daily Life?

Conflict Confrontation Management

During the course of our life, we spend a lot of time communicating with others and working on conflict confrontation management. Communication can be an important one of the hardest things we do. Getting it right every time we communicate with others is crucial. However, it may seem like a tedious job. It is humanly not possible to communicate effectively with others all the time. Therefore, we may have to face conflicts. Therefore, whenever people interact, there is a potential to raise a conflict. All human beings have different personalities, needs, experiences and values. It is highly unlikely that all human beings see things in the same way. It arises a disagreement between people, whether in a personal or professional capacity.

Conflict is a more serious form of this agreement. It can lead to a breakdown in relationships, family, friends, or professional relations. Whatever I tell you, there is another way that you can manage this conflict in an effective manner.  In this way, you can lead with creative solutions and improved relationships. So, get ready to know how you can manage your conflict. Let us first identify how people respond to conflict. 

How People Respond to Conflict

There are different ways in which people respond to conflict.  For instance, there are four co-workers working under harsh conditions. Their work is intense, and it often tempers flare.  There is a potential for conflict in this situation because not all people react in the same manner under the same circumstances.  So in such a situation, you would find that some individuals get angry and become really aggressive and abusive sometimes.  So, we can say that one way people react to conflict is to get angry and aggressive.

We have talked with expert researchers of a masters dissertation help service. They explained conflict confrontation with an example. Let’s say Betty is an employer who gets upset really easily. Jose, an employee, becomes nervous when Betty gets upset.  He worries that he may lose his job. As Jose worries about upsetting Betty, he tries to stay out of her way. This example shows how some individuals withdraw and try to avoid conflict. In this way, people lead with unsolved issues because they are unable to talk about them. 

Now, let us include another person in the previous example. Let’s say Jonathan is another employee who turns his emotions inward. Now, Betty asks for help from Jonathan but doesn’t say it nicely. Jonathan pretends that nothing is wrong but later gets short with other workers. Now, we realise that this is another way people react to conflict. In this way, individuals get upset, but they keep it inside. They may give you the cold shoulder, but they will not talk about it. Others will get an idea that this individual is upset, but most of the time, they don’t know the reason.  This is a way of reacting to conflict where an individual is given and becomes submissive. However, at the same time, they make it clear that they do not agree. 

You may have encountered a person in your life who smiles and makes faces behind other people’s backs. What that person is doing is simply denying that a conflict exists.  This leads us to another way in which people react to conflict. Such an individual will deny that any conflict exists while insisting that everything is okay. 

We see that in every example, there is a lack of communication. When people get into a conflict, there is only one way to resolve that conflict by confronting it. As mentioned above, sometimes you are unable to effectively communicate or confront the other person. Confrontation management is an important task in terms of resolving a conflict. Let us discuss some confrontation management skills that can help you in the process. If you possess these confrontation management skills, you will be able to find creative solutions to conflict.

Effective Communication

Communication is one of the most essential skills that you need for confrontation management. Good communication skills allow you to resolve conflict effectively.  Effective communication implies having a friendly but straightforward tone of speaking. It also includes speaking clearly and precisely. By doing so, you will avoid any miscommunication. This confrontation management skill allows you to take notice of whom you are speaking to.  You can adjust your use of vocabulary and body language accordingly.  Refrain yourself from using inappropriate for her language 

Active Listening

As much as speaking is important for confrontation management, active listening is equally essential. Listening suggests that you want to hear what the other person has to say.  In a way, you are conveying that it is important for you to understand those thoughts.  It also shows respect for their point of view.  Not as they speak and take a moment to comprehend what they have said.  It is important that you take a moment before responding or asking any question. Active listening helps you manage the conflict better by hearing their perspective.

Being empathetic

When you feel empathetic toward another person, it means that you are able to recognise what that person feels in a moment. It implies that you consciously take time to understand their perspective. Empathy as a confrontation management skill has significant importance. It gives you more space to understand the needs and wants of the other person. Besides, you are able to consider their pain points as well. When you see the situation from their eyes, you will be better able to resolve the conflict. 

Problem Solving

When a conflict arises, it indicates that there is a lack of viable solutions.  When you confront a person regarding a conflict, attitude should be problem-solving.  You should be able to convey the problem-solving skills in order to resolve the conflict.  Problem-solving skills include brainstorming solutions. It also includes collaborating with others and looking for reasonable solutions for both parties. Thus, this article summarises the different types of reactions in terms of conflicts. In addition, it also highlights a few confrontation management skills that can help you in your personal and professional life.