How to Learn Ruby on Rails: 10 Best Ways to Become A Rails Developer


In 2004, the open-source Ruby on Rails web application framework was introduced. It has been widely used in the IT sector and has aided the development of startups like Twitter, Groupon, Airbnb, Hulu, and Asana into some of the largest names in technology. 

 Ruby On Rails is made to be scalable and need little upkeep, so you can spend more time developing your project and less time chasing down issues or trying to remedy mistakes.

Ruby offers a standardised development environment that is uniform across all platforms, allowing you to design your product only once and publish it anywhere without worrying about compatibility issues.

The ability to create complex web apps rapidly is only one of the fantastic advantages of using Ruby on Rails for application development, but there are also a number of other hidden advantages that make the learning curve well worth the effort.

When we discuss why utilising anything else would actually end up costing more than twice as much as it should have, you’ll quickly understand. So if you’re serious about making your online firm successful, keep reading.

Learning Ruby on Rails can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It is a popular web development framework that is used to build complex web applications quickly and easily. 

Here are 10 ways to become a great Ruby on Rails developer:

1. Start With The Basics

It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the Ruby programming language before going into Ruby on Rails. Learn the fundamentals of Ruby first, including its syntax, data types, and control structures.

2. Follow A Structured Learning Path:

To learn Ruby on Rails, you must take an organised learning route. Books, tutorials, and online courses are all excellent starting points. With the right Rails training, you can easily make your path towards a successful career.

3. Build A Project

Building a project is one of the greatest methods to learn Ruby on Rails. Start with a straightforward project, then as you gain more expertise, progressively make it more complex.

4. Join a Community

An excellent approach to learn from other programmers, share your experiences, and gain comments on your projects is to join a Ruby on Rails community.

5. Attend Meetups and Conferences

Being present at conferences and meetups is a great method to learn about the most recent Ruby on Rails development trends and best practices.

6. Read Documentation

The official Ruby on Rails documentation is a great source for information on the features, tools, and conventions of the framework.

7. Experiment with Different Tools and Technologies

Ruby on Rails is a flexible framework that works with a wide range of devices and software. Making use of these instruments might assist you in developing new abilities and methods.

8. Practice Test-Driven Development

Software development methodology called Test-Driven Development (TDD) places a strong emphasis on building tests prior to writing code. You may write better code and find errors earlier in the development process by using TDD.

9. Learn From Other Developers’ Code

You can pick up new skills and best practises by looking at the code written by other developers. A great place to look for open-source Ruby on Rails applications to research is Github.

10. Never Stop Learning

Keep up with the most recent trends and approaches in Ruby on Rails programming because the technology world is continuously changing. Your ability to become a great Ruby on Rails developer will increase as you continue to learn and enhance your talents.


Although learning Ruby on Rails requires time and effort, the benefits are priceless. You can develop into a fantastic Ruby on Rails developer by following a planned learning path, creating projects, joining communities, going to events, and constantly upgrading your skills. In addition to the Ruby On Rails, professionals also like SAP analytics cloud tutorials, you may also go through this.

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