Question You Must Ask Your Primary Care Doctor In Next Appointment


Your primary care physician in Gilbert, AZ, is your first line of defense for all your health care needs. From offering accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment to preventive care, they take every step to ensure that you live a healthy life.

To effectively treat your health condition, it is essential to share a good relationship with your primary care doctor in Gilbert, AZ. It will help you communicate your symptoms, doubts, and fear with them. It is equally important to ask the right questions in your next appointment.

We bring you the top four questions you must ask your primary care doctor to make the most of your appointment.

What Wellness Test Should I Go Through?

The aim of your primary care physician in Gilbert, AZ, is not only to treat your illness but also to help you live a healthy and active life. Your family might have a history of diabetes or colon cancer. To become proactive about this knowledge, speak to your primary care doctor. Depending on your and your family’s medical history, they might recommend specific tests to monitor:
• Kidney function
• Blood pressure
• Liver function
• Cholesterol
• Fasting blood sugar

Is There Any Latest New On My Health Condition?

Every day new medications or treatments are introduced. It is always beneficial to ask your primary care physician for the latest news in the medical world. There could be something new that can help you live a healthy life. You must especially ask this question if your current medication is not alleviating your symptoms or causing side effects.

What Are My Risks Of Developing Heart Diseases, And Steps Can I Take to Prevent It?
As per research, heart disease is the number one reason of death in the United States. Thus, it is advisable to ask your primary care doctor in Gilbert, AZ, about your heart condition risk.

If you have a family history of heart problems, your primary care doctor will carefully monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol. They will also guide you through specific lifestyle changes you must make to alleviate the risk. If, after certain appointments, your primary care physicians observe that exercise and diet are not helping decrease the risk factor, they might suggest blood pressure and stain drugs.

Can We Talk About What’s Bothering Me?
Your primary care doctor will monitor cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and other vitals during your routine checkup. However, if something is bothering you, you must communicate the same with them. Exhaustion, stress, and other psychological factors can also impact your physical health. Many doctors now offer primary care incorporated with behavioral health to offer quality care to their patients.

The Bottom Line
Your primary care doctor is your friend who will help you live a healthier life. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and doubts to ensure that you make the most of their service.