Having Fun in Manchester: 4 Great Ideas for Active Travelers


We all know Manchester as a traditional English city with a rich history and extensive cultural heritage. Its many museums, galleries, architectural masterpieces, and majestic squares are the perfect setting for those who love leisurely sightseeing. However, what to do in Manchester if you prefer more active ways to spend your time? Don’t worry, as we have some amazing ideas for you too. 

First of all, pick up a hire car for quick and easy transportation around Manchester. At Rental24.co.uk you will find plenty of car hire models for any taste and budget. 

In Manchester and around the city you will find some less popular but still amazing spots to entertain and have fun. Picturesque open-air walking, indoor rock climbing, skiing, and even skydiving: do you like such activities? If yes, then pick up a hire car and go!

Go Indoor Climbing 


England has amazing nature and endless climbing opportunities. All you need is the right equipment, a reliable companion, and a good understanding of safety. But before you go outside, you can do it all indoors, and Manchester offers the right place for this! Moreover, here you will find at least two climbing complexes that will appeal to beginners, amateurs, and professionals. 

Located in a former church, Manchester Climbing Centre is one of the most beautiful climbing spots in the world. It provides high walls of varying complexity, and you will probably even need to use a safety rope. 

Another such place in Manchester is Rock Over Climbing, a centre with many climbing rooms of varying difficulty. However, it’s better in terms of price – you pay once and can stay there as long as you like. The walls are not so high, but this doesn’t mean at all they are simpler. Also in this centre, you will find a gym where you can prepare your muscles for climbing. Both centres offer training courses for beginners and equipment rental.

Feel the free fall 

люди, Прыгать, военные, Авиация, обучение, парашют, падение, Прыжки с парашютом, В помещении, Арена, Военно-морской флот, парашютный, свободное падение, Методов

If you love the sky but are afraid of skydiving, you can go for a ride in a wind tunnel. Airkix Manchester is an indoor skydiving complex where you can experience unforgettable and incomparable sensations. It can be quite difficult to stay on the airflow for the first time, but an experienced instructor will tell you how to master it. 

It’s interesting to know that the slightest movement of the hands can cause you to be chattering like laundry in a washing machine. Thus, this activity requires a fairly strong concentration. Also, keep in mind that the skydiving experience is not too cheap, so we suggest you check in advance if coupons or vouchers are available on the official website. 

However, despite this, indoor skydiving is something you should try at least once in your life. And when you’ll feel confident, you can try a real skydive with a tandem master. After all, skydiving is a cool thing!

Enjoy an open-air walk 

дерево, трава, филиал, лист, публичное место, Солнечный лучик, Древесное растение, Земельный участок, Равнинный, Tints and shades, лужайка, парк, тень, тень, Лиственный, хобот, дорожка, Трава семьи, сад, Пастбище, Нестроечная структура, дорожка, Озеленение

Often, people who come to Manchester say that the city is not green enough, heavily industrialized, and has no natural spaces to walk around. Yes, there are not many green areas in the centre, so it will not be difficult for you to get around them in a few hours. However, if you drive a little further from the centre, the city will open its green and fresh arms to you. 

The most pleasant places for such a walk are Manchester parks. Located in the north of the city, Heaton Park is the largest local city park. With a picturesque lake, boats, a zoo, and even a small homestead, it’s an ideal spot for open-air walks. And since the park covers a small hill, it also offers a beautiful view of the city. 

Another great place to walk in this part of Manchester is the beautiful Boggart Hole Clough. It strikes with its slight negligence, huge old trees, uneven hilly terrain, and has various playgrounds and sports grounds for kids. 

If you drive to the south side of Manchester, you will have access to other outstanding natural sites. One of them is Fletcher Moss Park, which runs along the Mersey River. By the way, some even call it a botanical garden because of the wide variety of beautiful plants. They fit so harmoniously into the environment that it’s difficult to find such a picturesque place anywhere else in Manchester. Also, it has a pond, a beautiful alley between tall trees, a long wooden bridge, an old church, many shops, an ice cream parlor, and tennis courts. 

In general, you will get a lot of pleasure from walking through the city parks of Manchester!

Enjoy indoor skiing 

SSAWS | Indoor skiing under technicolored lights | Dan Zelazo | Flickr

If you miss the Alpine slopes, then Indoor skiing can be a great alternative available in Manchester. Chill Factore provides the skiing and snowboarding opportunity on the UK’s longest indoor slope: its length is over 180 meters, with a width of 40 meters.  Yes, these are not the Alpine slopes, but you can have a great time there anyway! 

Also, Chill Factore offers a separate slope for beginners and an area where you can play snowballs. The air temperature inside the room is -1.5˚ C. Of course, if you are an experienced skier or snowboarder, you will be a little bored, but why not try? This is a great place to have fun and relax!

Summing it up, life is a motion, and the more active you are – the happier you are. Thus, each of these activities will give you a fresh perspective on how to spend your time in Manchester. Whether it’s open-air walking, skydiving, skiing, rock climbing, or all at once, you’ll get incredible emotions. 

Yes, these are not all the outdoor activities a big city can offer. Nevertheless, we hope they inspire you to have an exciting weekend!